“How did they reach the decision to put Tripy on general sale?„
Eric Scaillet
Open RoadTracer PRO, get into the maps and in no time you're miles away from your PC in pursuit of narrow, winding lanes, hills with hairpin bends and shortcuts you've never come across before.Pure bliss. But beware of getting addicted!I'll leave you there and get back to my narrow, Yorkshire lanes.
One last thing, your .trb file saved as .gpx and opened in Google Earth will let you view (amongst other things) your mountain stages, hmmmmm……Didn't they do well to put the Tripy on general sale …..
Thank you! Thank you who? Thank you Tripy!
The old quad bike has had a Tripy for 8 months now (long may it last)
Eric Scaillet

“... with my eyes glued to my paper notes, I didn't see the car in front of me stopping„
Denis Molinet -

“Tripy perfectly epitomises the level of pleasure / freedom that's special to biking„
Bruno de Séré -

“Tripy II came up with a roadbook for me full of beautiful little windy roads„
Dany Nihoul -
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