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As you already know, the GPS Tripy II is guaranteed for 5 years and new functionalities are regularly made available for users to download completely free of charge. By regularly visiting the site, you'll be able to keep your product updated and get even more pleasure from it. So go ahead and subscribe to our newsletter

Like the Tripy II GPS, the RoadTracer Pro software is crammed with advanced functionalities described in our detailed application notes. This way, you can regularly increase your product proficiency level at your own pace.

If you have any questions or want to contact the Tripy team members, you can find all the information you need as well as the FAQs provided.  






. Tripy II GPS
. RoadTracer Pro
. The community

Our promises

Promises of Tripy GPS Thousands of satisfied users
Promises of Tripy GPS Delivery with parcel tracking
Promises of Tripy GPSPromises of Tripy GPS Technical support 5/7
Promises of Tripy GPS TheTripy II GPS is guaranteed for 5 years!
Promises of Tripy GPS Unbeatable PRICE-PLEASURE ratio!
Promises of Tripy GPS 100% secure online payment
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Tripy, roadmaster - lecteur road book

Tripy II GPS

GPS and Road Book combined

A smart, easy-to-use GPS that immediately takes you to your chosen destination via scenic routes and guides you on untried routes.
Find out about the Tripy II GPS

RoadTracer Pro software

Technology and creativity

Create your own road trips in 13 european countries using the RoadTracer Pro software included in the pack.
Find out about RoadTracer Pro

The Tripy
online community

For and by bikers

Download updates, swap itineraries with other users ... join "Tripy" and be part of something special.
Learn about the benefits of this site

Tele-Atlas and Tripy GPS Road Book
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