How do I attach the Tripy II GPS to my vehicle?

The pack comes with a standard attachment (U-base B-Ball) and RAM-Mount arm which fits the vast majority of vehicles. If you would like to customise your installation, ask your distributor who knows all about the range of mounts and mounting solutions or go to our accessories list or visit

Do I need a power supply for the Tripy II GPS?

No you don't, and this is one of the advantages of the Tripy II GPS. Its 15-hour continuous battery life means it keeps working faultlessly all through your trips. Although it will need 4 hours to fully recharge, you'll only need an hour to get back 80% of its battery life.

The Tripy II GPS is guaranteed for 5 years. What about updates?

Yes, your Tripy II GPS is covered by a 5-year warranty, except for the battery which is limited to one year. All future updates are and will remain free to download on our community website. Only Tele Atlas (TM) mapping update options will be subject to payment.

Why does Tripy recommend the ball-arrow guidance system rather than map guidance?

The ball-arrow symbol, which has always been used in roadbooks for motor sports, globally represents a direction change. Combined with a kilometre count telling you how soon this direction change will come up, this guidance system has the great benefit of being able to be interpreted by the human brain in 1/12 sec, giving additional safety assurance. However, a map guidance option is also available on Tripy II via firmware version 1.1.0.

Why have a black & white display on the Tripy II GPS?

We're sure you know it's impossible to read a colour display on your mobile phone on the beach or to use your PC on the lawn while you're having a summer BBQ. That's why Tripy has chosen the technology that can be most easily read in the sun and that's why Tripy II's display offers the best current technological solution for outdoor use.

Why doesn't the Tripy II GPS speak?

You know better than anyone that driving a vehicle requires non-stop attention. So here at Tripy we don't see the point in distracting the driver with a potentially annoying voice. Plus, the ball-arrow guidance system is so intuitive and the black & white screen so easy to read that there's no need to have an alternative guidance system.

Tripy, roadmaster - lecteur road book

Tripy II GPS

GPS and Road Book combined

Simply enter your destination and let yourself be guided on totally new scenic routes: your starting point for unforgettable trips and new rallies.
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RoadTracer Pro software

Technology and creativity

Create your own trips and rallies, use any roads you choose thanks to the RoadTracer Pro software included in the pack.
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Tele-Atlas and Tripy GPS Road Book